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Tips for Dealing with Difficult Coworkers

If you have a job, chances are that you’ve come across at least one person with whom you’ve found working with difficult. Infact, most of us over the course of our careers will have encountered many of these difficult coworker types. I sure have! While working with difficult coworkers can be stressful and really take the fun out of our days, it’s important to remember that dealing with these challenging personalities is unfortunately part of having a job. That is.. unless you work for yourself but that’s a whole different story.

Read on because I am going to identify four types of difficult coworkers and ways you can deal with them.

Are your difficult coworkers making you pull your hair out at work?

1. The Grumpy Coworker

You know the type – they walk into work in the morning, don’t say hi, won’t even make eye contact with you or crack a smile. While we do not all have to be best friends at work, it is pretty awkward when you can’t interact with these people the way you would with a normal person who will at least say hello. What to do:

  • Try to find some common ground: There’s got to be something – anything – that you have in common with this person and if you’re able to find it, you just might be able to crack them. Maybe you and her have the same favorite tv show – you could ask her what she thought of last night’s episode! Maybe you both have kids starting school this year – ask how that’s working out. The point is to find something to get that person talking so she feels like you’re both on the same side. She still might not say hello to you in the morning, but you might get a glimmer or a smile every once in a while that can lighten the tension. 

Read About the Other Three Types Here in the Original Article.

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