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Fitness Tips for Every Age Group

Fitness should be timeless, and a lifelong commitment. However, fitness should also be fun. As a mother of a toddler and now a newborn, I love to watch the little ones’ attitudes toward fitness. It is just part of play, and an innate part of each day. 

There is no second thought, but most likely a motivating thought like, “I have to run as fast as I can, so I can get that ball over there!” Wouldn’t it be great if we could spend each day like that and expend all of that energy, aka calories?

If you have a young child who is less active getting them involved in a baby or toddler fitness class is a great way to get them started. There are many venues which encourage kids to do the things that they are excited to do at this stage of development. 

They learn to roll over, to sit up by themselves, to crawl, to walk, and to climb.

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