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Rejuran Skin Booster Price and Features of the Drug


Over the years, the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté can look tired, and age spots and wrinkles appear more often. However, it is not only the years that affect the appearance. Ecology, stress, improper nutrition, sleep deprivation – all these are the causes of skin deterioration. However, there is a way out – modern methods of moisturizing the dermis without surgical intervention. After all, collagen, with age, ceases to be produced in the right amounts, so there is a need for injections during treatment.

Injections with boosters – an effective method of safe rejuvenation

The beauty and radiance of the skin are essential for a woman at any age. After 40 years, cosmetologists recommend giving preference not only to care cosmetics but also to connect “beauty injections.” They regenerate and revitalize the skin, restore its elasticity, and brighten it. The innovative product Rejuran skin booster is a secret weapon in the fight for youth and beauty. It can make your skin radiant after the first treatment. What is this booster, and why do medical clinic clients appreciate it?

Every lady wants to stand out in the eyes of others and feel young and attractive. An innovative product developed in South Korea specifically for safe injectable rejuvenation will help you be, not just look beautiful.

The product is available in three versions:

  • to tighten the skin around the eyes, eliminate wrinkles and dark circles;
  • to brighten fading skin and increase the protective barrier of the dermis;
  • to nourish and restore radiance to the epidermis and rejuvenate tissues.

They all contain the active component c-PDRN, which regenerates and renews skin cells, making them work. Using one of the options is enough to go to a cosmetology clinic and improve the appearance of the skin.

Features of Rejuran skin booster

It is a revolutionary product for mesotherapy, skin rejuvenation, and restoration, which contains polynucleotides – safe, natural components that stimulate collagen and elastin production. It is designed to nourish and restore radiance to dull, tired skin. Polynucleotides are substances that are successfully used not only in cosmetology but also in many other medical fields, for example, for treating burns and injuries, as well as in the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions.

That is why the drug has a science-based evidence foundation, confirmed through various clinical studies and KFDA certification, which is a marker of the product’s high quality and safety.

The main ingredients are:

  • c-PDRN is an activator of skin regeneration;
  • hyaluronic acid promotes effective moisturizing;
  • complex of 4 amino acids (glycine, L-proline, L-leucine, L-lysine) – an impeccable combination that protects and stimulates collagen and elastin synthesis.

The whole complex of beneficial substances acts on cells, stimulating them to divide, while the healthy environment promotes full recovery. Injection removes inflammatory processes, if there were any, moisturizes, improves microcirculation and contributes to the nourishment of each cell of the dermis. In the results, after a few treatments, a woman notices the effect: evened face tone, velvety to the touch skin, smoothed wrinkles.


The booster treatment is suitable for all those whose skin produces a lot of subcutaneous fat, women with enlarged pores, as well as ladies who want to get rid of pigmentation, fine lines and post-acne scars. After the amino acid combination, the dermis becomes elastic and pleasant to the touch again.

Rejuran skin booster price allows everyone to purchase the solution and keep the budget. The cost of the procedure depends on the selected preparation from the Rejuran line. The course duration is determined individually after consultation with a specialist and is basically 3–4 procedures with an interval of 2–4 weeks. Up to 6 treatments may be required for more mature, damaged skin with post-acne.

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