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A Closer Look at CNA and HHA Workers

Work in the healthcare field can be stressful and involve long hours or challenging working conditions, but it is also one of the most personally rewarding jobs. I hear this again and again from Certified Nursing Assistants, Home Health Aides, and others who work directly with the elderly or those needing special assistance. A common sentiment is “I didn’t chose this work, it chose me.” Healthcare workers have that unique blend of compassion and a strong work ethic that means that they give their very best effort to those in their care.

As part of the recent Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, a study was conducted to get a better idea of the working conditions and employment trends among CNAs and HHAs. The report, Understanding Direct Care Workers: A Snapshot of Two of America’s Most Important Jobs: Certified Nursing Assistants and Home Health Aides, presents an interesting look at the CNA and HHA fields “by the numbers”. A couple of things jumped out at me while reading this report. First was that companies are still struggling to find enough employees in these fields, and that turnover is very high. If you have a passion for working with people, healthcare is an excellent field to work in, and there is a lot of room for growth. The other thing I noticed was this: “The great majority of CNAs and HHAs become direct care workers because they want to help others, suggesting that these workers are not interchangeable with other low-wage workers.” Choosing to work in healthcare is a significant decision, and not just anyone can do it. We Care Online provides training and continuing education to hundreds of healthcare workers a year, and we’re proud to be able to assist such a diverse, motivated group of people.

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