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Tips to Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle Over the Summer

Believe it or not, summer is right around the corner.  Many may already be enjoying the season!  Summer is a time of year when school is out, schedules can change, and people take vacations.  We are often not focused on maintaining healthy lifestyles, but rather on spending time doing fun summer activities.  However, you can still maintain your health in the summertime.  Here are a few tips to maintaining a healthy lifestyle this summer:summer21-4P5cQZ.jpg

  • Get enough sleep. It is important to get enough sleep, even while on vacation, so that you don’t get sick.
  • Spend time relaxing. It is easy to get caught up in activities of all sorts over the summer.  Take time to relax and recharge.
  • Make sure you are drinking enough water. Often dehydration can creep up during the summer due to the heat and spending more time outdoors.  Carry water with you when you are traveling.
  • Pack snacks. If you are traveling, consider packing healthy snacks as an alternative to eating fast food.
  • Don’t let your exercise die down over the summer. There are many different summer sports and activities that you can take part in.  Try walking to areas on vacation rather than using transportation.
  • Cover up in the sun. Remember to utilize sunscreen and spending time in the shade when you are outdoors.  Try to spend your outdoors time in the morning or evening hours.
  • Wash your hands. Especially when traveling and spending time in public places, it is important to wash your hands consistently.

Here are some healthy summer activity ideas here to check out:
Information was sourced from the following sites:

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