Reading comprehension, or understanding the information you are reading, is a skill that takes practice. As we learned, there are steps you can take to improve your reading comprehension, whether you are a student or a working professional. This can allow you to not only retain the information better but also improve your reading efficiency. Here are some tips that you can use to improve your reading comprehension.
- Read something you enjoy. Before jumping into a large textbook, spend some time reading for fun.
It can be a short novel, or a magazine or an article. Reading for enjoyment and text that is easier can improve your reading comprehension.
- Boost your vocabulary. If you are reading and don’t understand a word, take the time and look up its meaning. You can often figure out what a word means by the context it is used in. Spending time learning new vocabulary words is helpful for reading comprehension because you will move faster through text when you understand it.
- Try reading out loud. Reading out loud can slow you down and allow you more time to process what you are reading. Seeing and hearing the words can help reading comprehension improve.
- Take notes on your reading. Taking notes forces you to process what you are reading and summarize sections. This practice is good if you are reading a lengthy book or are studying the text.
- Reread sections or entire books. Don’t be afraid to go back and start your reading over again. Reading something multiple times can increase your understanding of the text.
- Talk to someone about what you are reading. They say if you can teach the information then you have a better understanding of it. Reading can be the same way.