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Single Parent? Great Ways to Save Money

Although I’ve always heard single parenting was tough, I had no idea how tough it actually was (or is) until I became a single parent. It’s a life altering thing to say the least and it certainly gives saving money a whole new meaning. To many single parents, saving money is no longer viewed as a hobby or something to do if you can, it becomes more of a way of life.

Fortunately, for me, I do have a knack for saving money but even I have learned a few new things along the way and I thought I would share some of these tips with you as well. Obviously, most of these would work for anyone but I’m writing this from my own perspective as a single parent and I pray it would bless those of you out there who are in the same situation.

10 Ways to Save Money as a Single Parent
1. Menu Plan: (You thought coupons be would #1, didn’t you?) Menu planning is key to saving time and money. If you are a single parent, you are likely very short on time so this one is BIG. Sit down, once a week, once every two weeks or even once a month and plan your menu for every single day. Be sure to plan it around what items are on sale (check our Matchups), what items are in your stockpile and what coupons you have on hand. This way, you are planning around the lowest prices and not necessarily what your stomach is telling you.

Menu planning will also lessen multiple trips to the store, which will save you gas and time.

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