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Secrets of Organized Families

In this increasingly hectic world, the phrase “organized families” can seem like a contradiction in terms. But you know they exist: They’re the ones who show up at school on time each day, remember the Little League coach’s birthday, and file their taxes in January. And though they make everyone else look bad, you secretly wish you were more like them, together and in control.

Why get organized? Because you can’t afford not to, especially when you’re juggling work, school, and competing schedules. To get you on the road to efficiency, we asked families and professional organizers to share their secrets, room by room.

First, a few ground rules:

Commit to change. “Deciding to get organized is like resolving to lose weight,” says Lisa Sarasohn of the Los Angeles-based organizing service Hire Order. “Both require discipline, and neither happens overnight.” Rather than searching for a quick fix – the equivalent of a fad diet – organized families commit to a lifestyle change. They see organization as a means to an end: a more fulfilling, less stressful family life.

Take it slow. Be realistic in your organizing efforts. After all, you can’t tame years of household chaos in a single day.

For the rest of this original article.

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