I have heard countless patients in my (healthcare) experience tell me they don’t want hospice because they don’t want to die. I understand and have compassion for someone who doesn’t want to die, but hospice doesn’t kill you, and without emotional support and pain management, your life quality is diminished.
In my work experience prior to MedCure, I witnessed many patients receive hospice care only to be discharged after a few months. Turns out, they received such good care and emotional support that they were cured! Sounds like a miracle huh? Well, it happened more than a few times to make ME a believer! Because of hospice, the patient felt better. Because of feeling better, their bodies actually healed itself and they were consequently removed from hospice care. Ask someone who works in hospice this and they will tell you they have seen “miracles” happen too.
Hospice is covered under Medicare and many insurance plans.
November is National Hospice Palliative Care Month.
Learn what it takes to be a home health aide: https://wecareonlineclasses.com/