Being Professional-The Hard Facts
When we accept a job, anywhere, we are expected to act in a professional manner. In health care it is vital to be a good worker, to respect our resident’s rights and dignity and to respect ourselves. After years of seeing certain things and traits of people, I have come up with a few things specific to us, Nursing Assistants.
Number one, no matter what ANYONE says, is how we look. Nursing staff are supposed to be clean and neat- in order to prevent infection. All too often we see CNA’s wearing clothing, uniforms- that are wrinkled and dirty looking. Stains and holes are just plain tacky looking.
If we want to project an image of being professional, we must be willing to dress the part. I have heard many a CNA state- “I don’t make enough money for decent uniforms” …This is true for many of us. No one is saying one needs tons of uniforms, just that the uniforms we do have be kept in good shape.
Wear clean clothes to work that are ironed or at least wrinkle free. Wear underclothing that is decent and not too colorful.
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