Most of us want to take good care of ourselves, and we know that good, preventive self-care routines are the best way to do that.
But it can also be overwhelming, stressful, and time-consuming to try to remember all the things that we’re supposed to do.
Have you had enough water? Did you take a minute to meditate? Shouldn’t you get up and take a walk? When’s the last time you ate? Or slept eight hours? How long have you been sitting at your desk?
Knowing that you haven’t done any of these acts of self-care can feel super stressful — exactly the opposite of the effect self-care is supposed to have.
The last thing you need is to stress about how to care for yourself.
But when you have a busy schedule, it’s tough to stay accountable to yourself too, and so it’s easy to let your own well-being — and health — slide. And that is when health problems — brought on by stress, poor eating habits, lack of exercise or something else — can develop.
Luckily, there are lots of hacks out there to help automate taking care of yourself.
They help take the stress out of, well, de-stressing by helping you build a healthy self-care routine and making it a habit that’s easier to stick to.
Here are just a few ideas and apps that can help automatically make self-care a priority — whether you have two minutes or two hours:
1. Do nothing for two minutes (while listening to some soothing waves).
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