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How to Step Away from the Scale and Never Go Back On

Scales are ubiquitous in American households. They are expected objects in a bathroom landscape. Few people think twice when they happen upon one. You may even have one in your own bathroom. However, when we actually step onto the scale, this innocuous-looking object becomes something far more sinister.

In our culture, where thinner is always better, the scale doesn’t just tell us what we weigh; It has become a measure of our self-worth, an oracle determining whether we will have a good day or a bad day, and the judge of whether we are “good” or “bad.”

The effects of stepping on the scale may be particularly detrimental for teens and young adults just developing a sense of self and particularly vulnerable to the development of eating disorders. Most young adults have access to a scale, if not in their own home then in the homes of friends, at the mall, or even in a school locker room.
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