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How to Improve Success While Taking an Online Class

Just signed up for your first online class? Taking an online class can be a challenge especially if you are trying to balance it between work and family responsibilities. However, these three simple steps can help your success:

  • Organization is key. Have a designated work area in your home where you can study, test, and prepare for your class. Once you have the course syllabus or due date sheet, write down everything that is due on a wall calendar. Seeing the visual every time you study will help with planning and reduce stress over forgetting assignments.
  • Get on top of the game early. As much as possible try to get on top of your first few assignments early: class orientations, reading assignments, first quizzes. Getting a head of the game early will help set good habits and will help you from falling behind while you adjust to your new schedule.
  • Establish open communication with the instructor. Establish good communication right away with your instructor. Send an introductory email before the class starts. Good communication early on can help you from feeling isolated later which can contribute to possibly dropping the class. It is especially important to ask questions when you have them and to use your instructor as a resource if you start to see slipping grades. Many online instructors are eager to help you find resources to improve study habits, find tutoring, etc.

We Care Online offers a broad range of online medical classes and can prepare you for a career in everything from nursing to pharmacy.  Click here  for more information.

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