Working memory is like your brain’s scratch pad, managing information as you go about your day. But our routine deluge of information can make us feel scatterbrained, like our working memory has too much to deal with. Here’s how to tune-up your working memory and stay focused.
This post originally appeared on the Crew blog.
Sometimes when I’m trying to focus on a single task my mind can feel a bit like a pinball machine. No matter how hard I try to keep my thoughts in focus there’s all these ideas wildly bouncing around and beating away at my limited attention.
Our brains can be fickle things and I’m sure every last one of us has experienced moments where we just can’t seem to hold on to an idea for more than a few seconds.
All of a sudden while you’re working on a project you start thinking about what you’re going to make for dinner or a conversation you had with a friend a few nights ago. It’s frustrating. All we want to do is focus on what we’re working on and block out the rest. So how come these unwanted thoughts keep coming into our heads?
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