Home safety is essential to keeping you and your family safe and for preparing you for possible home emergencies. According to the National Safety Council, in 2016 there were 161,374 preventable injury-related deaths. They also report that this number has increased 86% in the last 24 years. In terms of home safety, prevention is something you can actively participate in and it can give you peace of mind to feel comfortable in your home. While home safety may be something you were taught, and/or are currently doing, it is often necessary to review and remind yourself to keep up with it throughout the year. These tips are practical for all living environments, including but not limited to group living, apartments, houses, and even businesses. Here is a list of top tips to keep your home and your family safe.
- Check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors monthly. Replace the batteries once or twice a year.
- Create a fire escape plan and review this with members of your household.
- Keep a fire extinguisher in your home and make sure it is dated and has not expired.
- Do not overcrowd outlets. Use extension cords appropriately.
- Store chemicals in a safe place. If you have small children, chemicals should be locked away.
- Install a skid proof bottom on your bath tub.
- Keep a first aid kit in your home.
- Keep emergency numbers available in an easily accessible location. These should include local emergency resources as well as your primary care physician and an emergency contact.
You can create a home safety checklist based on some of these tips. Help educate your family and friends to prevent possible accidents and emergencies. Click here to see more statistics and resources from the National Safety Council: http://injuryfacts.nsc.org/all-injuries/overview/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0r3GxqOS2gIVjXt-Ch2lSQZ0EAAYASABEgKrevD_BwE