Halloween is recognized by enormous amounts of candy and sweet treats. Often, we are only concerned with eating too much candy. However, Halloween also is known for fatalities from car accidents and drunk driving. Therefore, it is important to be aware of some tips for staying safe. Whether you are trick-or-treating, having a trunk or treat, or staying home, here are just a few tips to keeping you and your family safe this year:
Watch where you are walking. With many people trick-or-treating and walking between houses and out in the street, it can be dangerous for pedestrians. Especially at night when it is more difficult for drivers to see pedestrians. Remember to look both ways before crossing the street and use crosswalks when available. Bring a flashlight with you so you can see where you are walking, and so drivers have a better chance of also seeing you.
Wait to eat your candy when you get home. Whether you plan to go trick-or-treating or obtain candy from another source, it is better to inspect your candy before eating it. Also, this avoids over eating candy, especially with children, which can cause sickness.
Inspect your candy. Don’t eat candy that has not been commercially packaged or that appears to have been opened or damaged. Throw out candy that your children have allergies to, such as candy with nuts. Also, throw out candy that is not age appropriate and those that could cause choking. This could include gum or small hard candy.
Don’t go alone. Don’t allow your children to go out alone, especially at night. Make sure you or someone age appropriate is around to supervise.
Stay alert and aware of your surroundings and have a fun and safe time! For more information on candy safety, check out this resource: