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Earth Day 2014: 3 Gardening Activities for Seniors

What can you do to make an impact this Earth Day, April 22 and beyond? Going green at your assisted or independent living home is a great start to saving the planet. This can mean investing in energy-saving fluorescent bulbs, growing a self-sustaining garden, or simply planting flowers outdoors. For seniors, the latter may hold a special appeal in several ways:

  • It’s a fitting tribute to Earth Day as you toil and enrich the soil, while directly connecting with nature
  • Gardening is a fantastic outdoor exercise, therapeutic in many ways, plus as you give back to the earth you’re rewarded with the sunshine vitamin D  
  • Planting a food garden can represent the symbiotic relationship between nature and man’s sustenance.

With these in mind tryout four (4) good gardening tips you’ll enjoy reaping their benefits:

Grow Organic Food – DIY Compost and Mulch!

Compost is one of the best, most eco-friendly fertilizers there is, and you can do-it-yourself (DIY) free for use every time. Just get a compost bin or make a pile in your garden; your compost material can include grass cuttings, leaves, fruits and vegetable scrapes, and coffee grounds (you don’t have to use manure).

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