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Early Signs of Parkinson's Disease

More than 1 million Americans currently have Parkinson’s disease, with an additional 50,000 to 60,000 cases being diagnosed every year. How can you tell if you or a loved one is developing Parkinson’s? Knowing the early signs can help.

Parkinson’s Early Symptoms


Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder whose symptoms were first described by British physician John Parkinson nearly 200 years ago. “It is caused by a lack of the chemical dopamine and is a progressive degenerative disease, meaning that there is no cure and it gets worse over time,” says Shelley Webb, a registered nurse from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, with more than 30 years experience who is also an Alzheimer’s Association support group facilitator.

In most cases, Parkinson’s disease has no known underlying cause. However, Webb reports that genetic factors as well as environmental factors such as exposure to certain pesticides or industrial toxins may be involved. The average age of onset is 60. However, the disease has been diagnosed in people at 40 or even younger.

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