Now as never before, attention is being directed to care of our elder and disabled citizens and greater attention also is directed to the workers who provide hands-on-care and caring.
The 38th annual National Nursing Assistants’ Week provides a timely opportunity to foster and showcase the wonderful things that can happen for residents and workers when we join together in planning your special Week, “Nursing Assistants @ the Heart of Care.”
Fun projects can also be educational. NA Week Projects for 2015 include Recognition events, Mayor Proclamations, memos to families and news releases; and also includes Person Centered Care Programs such as “Partnerships: Meeting the Future with Skill and Confidence;” We also continue the focus on Safe Lifting and decreasing worker injuries.
In order to make a difference, we need to seek out and involve our role models, peers, supervisors, clients, families, community, legislators, public policy officials, media and others.
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