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5 Things Working Moms Need to Feel Empowered

bIf you’re a working mom, you already know how hard it can be to juggle priorities successfully. For starters, motherhood has launched you into a whole new dimension of exhaustion. You probably don’t even recognize your own reflection in the mirror anymore, and neither do your co-workers. The piles of dishes and laundry are starting to resemble the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and every day you’re just hoping and praying that no one stops by unexpectedly. You’re not completely sure when the last time you showered was – but who cares, because everyone’s alive and fed, right? This survival mentality is all too common for working moms, and it usually results in them feeling defeated, stressed to the max, and completely exhausted – which isn’t a great combination for anyone’s career or well-being. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here’s what moms need in order to have the lives and careers they deserve.
1. Equal Pay for Equal Work
No matter how you look at it, women earn less than men. If working moms aren’t earning equal pay for equal work, then how in the heck do we ever expect them to feel empowered on any level? Last time I checked, being undervalued and underpaid isn’t the greatest for building confidence, let alone a promising career. Therefore, in order for women to begin to feel more empowered in their careers, they need to feel valued, and that means women need to get paid fairly for the work that they put in.
2. Paid Family Leave
The U.S. is one of the few industrialized nations in the world that doesn’t guaranteed paid maternity leave for its working mothers.
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