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Back to School Basics!

It’s time for school again?!!   

It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year again!  Back to school ads on television and in the newspaper are now common place and we will soon see school buses shuttling children back and forth to school once again. Getting prepared for the start of the school year often involves a to-do list that includes visits to the doctor, registering for school,and back to school shopping!  Making the adjustment to the school routine is a family affair, requiring cooperation from everyone.

Making a Smooth Transition to the School Routine

Bethany Hardy discusses the back to school transition in her article Back-to-School Time: Transition Your Family from Summer to School  offering some helpful hints about making a smooth transition from the summer to school routine that can lessen some of the stress that inevitably accompanies this time of year.  It is common that children may have feeling of nervousness mixed with excitement for the start of a new school year.  Eileen Kennedy-Moore, PhD discusses some of the common concerns children face at different ages and stages regarding the beginning of school and offers suggestions on how parents can help in her article discussing  Back-to-School Worries. Getting off to the right start is the key, and with some simple planning and preparation can make the transition to school easier for everyone involved!

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