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What Going Back to School Can Give Moms

Women with kids are often such great students because of their life experience. They enhance the college environment more than they know. Moms also have a lot to gain from going back to school.

Sense of Identity
We moms spend so much time giving to our families, to our jobs and to our friends. It’s very easy to lose ourselves and forget who we are as individual women. Going back to school is often something that women do for themselves, for a sense of fulfillment that learning something new can bring. Pursuing a passion that may ultimately be for the betterment of your family, but for now is just your own, is so empowering. Choosing a course of study and exploring various venues brings women a sense of identity that helps shape who they are.

Independence and Critical Thinking
Just as college can add to a woman’s sense of identity, it can also foster an independent spirit that may have been lacking. So often, women begin to fall into a routine that fails to challenge them. This everyday rut may offer little opportunity for critical thinking or independent choices. Going back to school shakes things up a bit. It exposes you to new circumstances that may challenge your thinking and push you to make independent choices you ordinarily wouldn’t be in a position to consider.

Friends and Networking
College also exposes women to a whole new group of people.

To read the rest of Working Mother Blog.

Have you been thinking about going back to school. We Care Online offers classes in several career in the health care industry. Click here for more information.

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