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Is “Golden Girls” Style the Next Trend in Senior Living?

Having roommates is normal for those in their twenties and early thirties, but older adults aren’t usually looking to share living space with people who are not romantic partners or family members. But with the growing, aging population, there is a new trend of boomer and senior women forming households together. Dubbed “Golden Girls” after the ‘80s TV show, single women in their fifties and older are moving in together and forming a unique household model.

It makes good financial sense to share the expenses of housing with others who are finding it increasingly difficult to afford living alone. Financial concerns aren’t the sole driving factor, though, for many of these Golden Girls. Companionship and social interests play a big part in many older women’s decision to take on a roommate. PBS Newshour recently talked with some boomer women about the benefits of sharing space with other single women.

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