Making friends at work (or anywhere else) is easy. All you need do is adapt the timeless wisdom of “How to Win Friends and Influence People” to our technologically-sophisticated workplace. Here’s my take on this:
1. Smile, with your body and mind. Putting a smile on your face draws people to you, but only if it’s genuine. Smile on the inside first, then let that feeling express itself on your face. (More on this: Daily Habits to Make You Happier) BTW, smiling works even if the other person can’t see your face (just ask anyone who cold calls); so take heed when you’re online.
2. Make the other person feel important. Technology drives globalization, which can make regular folk feel small. Since friendship is something you give to (rather than get from) people, there’s no better gift than treating people as if they’re they are more important that you are. (Which they are, if you’re their friend.)
3. Be genuinely curious. People love to talk about themselves. Your curiosity gives them the permission to do so without wondering if they’re being boring. This is true regardless of the medium, so asking about (and caring about) what’s going on in people’s lives is a good way to make them feel good.
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