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New Registration and Payment System is Live!

If you are registering students on a regular basis,
you can sign into your account to avoid entering
the same information over and over.

We are proud to announce our new Registration and Payment system is up and running.

For almost a year, we have been researching and testing a whole lot of different systems to find the right one.  Our goals were

  1. A simple registration process
  2. An easy way to pay using credit/debit cards, echecks and payment plans
  3. A user account system to log in and look up classes, make payments, and print receipts at the users convenience.

After we found the system that works for us, we spent another 6 months customizing the program to fit both your needs and our needs. As of January 1, 2013 we are live!

Since We Care Online is all about paving the way to ease in taking our classes, this system fits right in.  It is now easier for both the student and the facility to register and pay for their courses.

The Registration Process

For the student, we know that it is sometimes hard to come up with the money to cover the price of a needed course.  This system allows you to register for a class as early as you need to make payments as you can afford.  Your account can be accessed 24/7 to make payments or print receipts.

The new system makes it even more convenient for facilities who register students on a regular basis.  After the initial registration, a facility contact can sign in with a username and password to bring up their facility account.  There is no need to fill out the contact information over and over again.  Your information is kept on file.

Once  the username and password are entered, all of the  facility information and past students will come up on the screen.  You can either create a record/registration for a new student or you can add a class for a student you have registered before.

Accessing Your Account

Print receipts, classes taken, make payments and more by logging in to your account.  You can use this link:  Org_OnlineAccountLoginURL.  Or, on We Care Online’s website, you can choose the “Access Your Account” button on the home page.

We have made the links to Register and Access Your Account easily accessible on our home page. The bright blue buttons are at the top of the page and easy to click from either a desktop or a mobile device.

We sincerely hope that this changeover will be easy for all of our customers.  Please feel free to give us a call with any questions.  We will be more than happy to walk you through the process if needed.


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