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Trends in Healthcare Hiring

In these tough economic times the question on everyone’s minds is “Where are the jobs?”. We keep hearing that healthcare is among the fastest growing professions, but what does that mean for you? Right now, one of the biggest trends in the healthcare industry is a move away from hospitals and long-term care facilities and towards letting people receive care in their own homes. This applies to both the elderly needing assistance, and people of any age who need help recovering from injuries, long-term illnesses, or surgery.

A quick glance at the major job search websites confirms this trend. Monster.com says, “Home healthcare is hiring rapidly.” Careerbuilder says, “Whether it’s occupational therapists, speech therapists or physical therapists working with patients who require this type of medical support, the rehabilitation industry is in demand.”

Over and over, I see Home Health Aides being the most in-demand workers. Related to this is the role of Mental Health Aides. Really, any sort of therapy or assistance position is popular. The more training you can receive in this area, the better you’ll appear to an employer. We Care Online’s training programs begin at $157.50, and with 20 hours of class time, you can be ready to enter this rapidly growing profession. Mental Health Aide training is a little more involved at 60 hours of class work and $292.50, but the need for skilled workers is great and the jobs are out there.

Here are a couple articles with more information on the trends.

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