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Top Tips for An Awesome Resume

Resume writing is an important skill that is necessary throughout your career. Whether you are fresh out of school or are simply looking for a new job, your resume is a key component of impressing a potential employer. Your resume is a document that should change as you move jobs, obtain new skills and advance your education. Your resume is unique to you and is a way to showcase yourself to potential employers. Here are some top tips to consider for an awesome resume:
Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for. Although many careers are similar, not all jobs within those careers are the same. Each employer can be different, and it is important to learn about the potential employer along with reading the job description carefully. Do your research about the position and make sure to highlight the skills you have that would be essential for the job.
Put your best information first. Highlight your best skills and assets first, this is what a resume reader will notice and hold onto.
Have your resume reviewed. Ask a teacher, peer or someone with experience in your job area to review your resume. They may have an outsider’s perspective and be able to provide valuable feedback about your resume and what it displays about you.
Look at other resumes and consider using a free template. There are many great examples of resumes available for you to read and learn from. Also, since formatting is important in a resume, there are many free resume templates available online. Try using one of them to make your resume look professional and polished.
Click here to see the source and for additional tips to building an excellent resume: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/top-resume-writing-tips-2063314

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