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Respecting Our Environment

Our national Public Health Week is recognized from April 6th through April 12th this year.  Public health can include our physical health, mental health, education, housing, violence prevention and more.  One of the hot topics of public health and a subject frequently in the news, is our environmental health.  Our environment can in turn affect many of those areas of our public health.  Environmental health can include both natural and the environment we have built.  Within our environment, there are hazards that we can control such as our food safety and our response to emergencies.  Then there are areas that are beyond our control, including natural disasters and certain chemical exposures.  Being aware of our environment and knowing how to protect ourselves and our loved ones, is important in avoiding and reducing any unnecessary exposures to anything harmful.  The more research we complete about our environment, can help us learn what is working and what is not working well.  New technology about the weather and our climate is also a significant contributor.  These findings can lead to sooner detection of health hazards and prevent unnecessary health problems.  In addition to educating ourselves about our environment we can then make the appropriate decisions to modify things such as what we eat, where we shop and how we travel, which can all impact the environment and our health.  We can also spread the word to our peers, family and coworkers about public health week and how the environment is involved.
For more information on environmental health topics, check out the Center for Disease Control website here:

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