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How To Show Kindness This Holiday Season

The holiday season is filled with traditions, family, friends, gifts, food, shopping, traveling and so much more.  How much of your holiday season involves spreading holiday cheer?  Showing acts of kindness during the holiday is more than spreading cheer.  It is about the spirit behind the holiday.  Kindness means having a concern and thoughtfulness toward others.  The holiday season is supposed to involve a level of kindness.  How are you going to spread kindness this holiday season?  If you are interested in learning some new ideas or are looking for a reminder of how you can help show kindness this holiday season, take a look at some of these:

  • Write a thank you letter to men and women serving our country.
  • Donate old clothing and unused food items from your pantry.
  • Lend a hand to your neighbor and help them with a needed task, such as shoveling their sidewalk or washing their car.
  • Let someone go in front of you in line.
  • Donate spare money/change to a charity.
  • Make food for a friend, family or coworker.
  • Offer to help carry groceries for someone in need.
  • Pass out food or random gifts to those out on the street.
  • Donate blood.
  • Compliment someone.
  • Thank someone in your life for how they have impacted your life.
  • Leave a nice note on a car in the parking lot.
  • Pay for someone’s coffee or meal.
  • Spend quality time with someone you haven’t in a while.
  • Be kind to yourself and take time for yourself this holiday season.

Challenge yourself or your family to discover new ways to show random acts of kindness.  Kindness not only will make someone else’s day, but kindness can make you feel good too.  Hope your holiday season is filled with kindness and good cheer!

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