It’s almost here again, the end of the summer and the start of the school year.
Here are some tips for an easy transition for you and your kids:
Get your school supplies in advance. Plan to shop early for the things you know your kids will need: pencils, crayons, paper, notebooks. Chances are you can use the extra time not battling the crowds to fight over the last spiral notebook the weekend before school starts.
Start going to bed early. The summer is full of late nights out. It can be hard for kids to adjust if they make the change the night before school starts. Start adjusting their schedule a week in advance. This will help make the first day of school a success.
Teach your kids how to eat healthy. Stock the fridge and pantry with healthy choices: fruits, vegetables, nuts, low-fat cheeses, whole grain crackers. Teach your kids how to put together their own lunches in order to teach them healthy eating habits.
Have a good end of summer memory. No matter what your budget, take some time to enjoy your family time together the last weekend before school starts. Have picnic at a local park. Check out free local family activities in your neighborhood. The important thing is getting time together before all the hustle and bustle begins again.
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