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How the right breakfast can help your weight.

Many of us are resolving to eat better, move more, and lose weight.

One of the best ways to do this—and make realistic and long-lasting lifestyles changes—is by eating a healthy breakfast every morning. Studies how that eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism, so it’s an easy way to kick-start your efforts.

But when it comes to breakfasts, not all of them are created equal. In fact, some of them can actually derail your weight-loss efforts if you’re not careful. Instead follow these breakfast rules to help you slim down.

Eat right away

Studies have found that eating breakfast helps keep your metabolism revved, so be sure to eat within 30-60 minutes of waking to take advantage of your body’s full fat-burning potential. Eating first thing helps ensure that you don’t feel so starved later in the day that you end up making bad eating choices for lunch or dinner. But what if you’re not a breakfast person?

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