There are medical specialists for the heart, the skin, cancers, child health, the respiratory tract, the nervous system and much more. Geriatrics is a medical specialty that focuses on the healthcare of those who are aging. As all of us age and as many are living longer and healthier lives it is important to be knowledgeable about healthcare for this part of our lives.
Geriatric care is not dependent on a certain age, but on medical conditions, a functional decline or a particular disease associated with aging. It can also include individuals who are on multiple medications which are causing side effects. Geriatric care can include medication management, rehabilitation, assistance with activities of daily living, socialization, legal assistance and more. People receiving this care are treated by a number of healthcare professionals. One of these professionals is often a Geriatrician, who is a primary care doctor with additional training in treating patients who are aging. Their role is to guide the patient to making treatment choices and to help coordinate with their other necessary medical providers. Another healthcare professional may be a geriatric care manager or geriatric nurse. They assist to identify your healthcare needs and then help you make a plan for getting assistance with those needs.
Often an individual receiving geriatric care may also see additional specialists to address their health needs. Geriatric care can be given to individuals out of their home, the hospital or nursing care facilities. Geriatric care is important because it not only addresses the specific needs of someone during this point in their life, but it can help them to have a better quality of life.