In adults over 65, one in four people experience a fall. Falling can be very harmful for adults and can lead to more health complications such as broken bones or head injuries.
However, falling is not a normal part of aging. Therefore, it is important to consider some of the risk factors that can lead to a fall. Some risk factors can include certain medications, vision problems, home hazards, foot problems, weakness in the lower body and more. The good news is that falls are preventable! There are things you can do to prevent falling yourself or in someone you may be caring for. Here are a few fall prevention tips:
- Consult with your healthcare provider and come up with a plan to keep you or your loved one safe.
- Exercise regularly to build up physical strength.
- Make your home safe by clearing out items that could cause you to trip. Add bright lights and make sure all areas are lit. Also, put in rails and handles in bathrooms, stairs and other slippery areas.
- Review your medications with your healthcare provider and pharmacist to understand which medications may cause you dizziness.
- See your eye doctor regularly.
- Wear comfortable and well-fitted shoes that will allow you to walk and move about securely.
If you experience a fall, it is important to seek medical attention immediately even if you don’t think you’ve been hurt. As with any healthcare guidance, always consult with your healthcare provider first, before making any changes.