Can you believe it, it is back to school time already! Many of you may have started class already. Or maybe you are prepping to start school. It is helpful to remember when transitioning back to school, what your priorities are for the semester and what changes you will need to make. Here is a simple list of tips to help you plan for starting your semester of success.
- Ease back into your school schedule
- Don’t expect to jump into your school schedule on day one of classes.
- Try implementing your school schedule a few days before it starts.
- Work on waking up at the appropriate time and getting to bed as well.
- Review syllabus/course needs prior to going to class
- Be prepared this semester and read your syllabus prior to starting your course(s).
- It may be helpful to start mapping out your semester if exam dates or course schedules are available.
- Connect with friends who may be taking a course with you
- It is always great to have a study buddy! Ask your friends or peers if they are taking the same course as you and connect to plan some study sessions.
- Get sleep
- As your schedule is changing or you are starting a new semester, don’t let your sleep be compromised. Focus on setting not only your school schedule, but also on getting an appropriate amount of sleep each night.
- Eat healthy
- Eating healthy foods can impact many areas of your life including your overall health. It is important to start your semester on the right foot and maintain it throughout, by eating healthy.
Stay tuned for more back to school tips to help you start your semester on the right foot!