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Back to School Healthy Eating Tips

kids_healthyDepending on the school your kiddos are attending, you may be back in school as early as this coming week. We need to fall back into a daily routine. Mornings may become a tad hectic with alarms going off. Getting a healthy breakfast on the table or on the way and packing lunches await us.
Some days you may wonder how you are going to get a healthy and tasty lunch out the door with your sweethearts. It takes some planning, but you can do it, and it doesn’t have to be stressful for you either! Check out a few tips I found to maximize that precious time you have and to get the family out of the house with a healthy meal.

First are a few healthy prep tips!

Pack lunch every evening in refrigerated containers, so it’s a grab and sack situation in the morning.
Think of the ideal meal you would serve if you had the time at home. Pack a fruit, a veggie, a protein and whole grain, cold water. And maybe a fun snack of trail mix, or baked crackers in tasty flavors.
Be sure to have ice packs frozen and ready. You can keep items cold inside insulated lunch bags for crispy, cold veggies, sandwiches, and fruits. It will also do you well to designate areas in your freezer, refrigerator and pantry for the kids to unpack and put away, and also choose snacks for after school munching.

Plan for options around the house.

A few options to keep around include: granola bars, dried fruit, cereal, applesauce and crackers with peanut butter (if there are no allergies in the house), fruits and veggies with dips and yogurt, and string cheese.
Remember the more organized you are with meals and snacks, the more time the young ones can spend reading, studying, and learning important lessons this school year. Make lists, organize items, and have a plan.
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