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7 high-paying jobs with no bachelor degree required

thAn associate’s degree in web development or nursing can set you up for a career that pays well and is in high demand. A college degree is a standard ticket to higher-paying jobs, but that degree does not necessarily have to be a four-year bachelor’s degree or higher. There are plenty of associate’s degrees that lead to decent paying jobs and can ultimately give you a good return on your college investment — potentially even better than a bachelor’s degree.
Note: The BLS wage data is from 2012; projections are slightly overstated as they also reference a ten-year period from a 2012 study. The job openings include replacement needs as well as projected growth.

  • Registered Nurse – RNs are almost always in demand, and that is likely to increase with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, expansions in medical services, and an aging population. There are over a million projected job openings in the field through 2022 with a median salary of $65,470.
  • Dental Hygienist – Similarly to nurses, dental hygienists are in significant demand. They perform cleanings and other preventative tooth care, as well as assisting dentists with fillings and procedures that are more complex. Median salaries are just over $70,000, and BLS expects 113,500 job openings through 2022.

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