We have all probably experienced the feeling of having too much food to eat, especially just having gone through the Holiday Season. There are still many social gatherings that take place that involve food to come. Work parties, Superbowl, Valentines Day, Birthdays, and more occasions where tasty morsels are rampant. It can seem like everywhere we turn there is the temptation of food. However, weight gain, getting sick, or other unhealthy habits may have been formed as a result of the overindulgence.
If you want to stick to your healthy habits or perhaps gain some new ones, consider having a plan for your food consumption. Here are 10 ways to plan ahead and to eat healthy this this year:
1. Get a small plate. It’s easier to not take as much food when you have a small plate, thus you will consume less.
2. Eat healthy food whenever possible. If you are going to a party, eat a healthy snack option ahead, so you are not starving upon arrival.
3. Drink lots of water. While there may be many other beverage choices, stick to water whenever possible.
4. Be conscious of what you are eating. Thinking about what you are eating will help remind your body to eat healthy and in moderation.
5. Don’t sample everything, pick your favorites. Stick to your favorite treats or one or two you might enjoy, versus sampling everything.
6. Eat your treats slowly. Enjoy and savor it. Take time in between portions.
7. Get enough sleep every night.
8. Keep exercising. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle can help you to not overeat.
9. Keep your stress in check. Stress can cause you to overeat, so being conscious of it can help you remain balanced.
10. Don’t go back for a second plate of food.
For more information on holiday eating and the source, click here: https://www.healthline.com/ nutrition/tips-to-avoid-holiday-weight-gain