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Returning to the Gym Benefits New Moms

Has the new year also brought along a new bundle of joy? New moms may be finding that their 2015 resolution to get their body back post-baby is more difficult than they originally calculated.
According to Minerals Sports Club Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor Barbara Matchett, an average woman gains approximately 30 pounds during pregnancy. She admits it’s difficult “having patience and realizing that it took nine months for your body to gain the weight and it will be a process. I think the hardest part is probably fitting it in your schedule. You have a new baby that requires all of your attention, but remember it’s important to find time for you, too. If you have a good support system at home, don’t be afraid to leave the baby for an hour or try to find a gym that has child care. Your health is crucial so you’re there to take care of your baby.”

“I think it’s a challenge,” Minerals Fitness Director Betty Tobin said. “You see celebrities on TV get their bodies back in 20 days after having a baby,” she said with a laugh, saying the time frame is slightly unrealistic.

Tobin said several new moms have returned to the gym recently to work on their new physique, one only days after giving birth.

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